Thursday, April 23, 2009

Invisible Children

So I was asked by Brittany, last minute, to go to an Invisble Children screening thing where they would be showing a movie made just months ago. Of course I wanted to go, I have been interested in the Invisible Children and have wanted to learn more about them. So I basically cancelled everything last minute and went, despite the fact it was at a church.

The movie was powerful and honestly had me crying. To know that kids younger than me who are only 9-13 years old are being abducted from their homes at night to go fight in a war that wasn't there fault. Being forced to see the horrors of war at such a young age. It's horrible. The war in Africa has been going on for 23 years. Too long. Tonight I saw children younger then me carrying guns and being ordered to see what most never have to see ever. It shocked me and I had no clue what was going on. Until tonight. It started with three men with a passion to make films who brought us to see what those children are going through. They showed the world what is happening.

And now we need to do something. Help these children who shouldn't have to worry about sleeping at night because of fear of being taken from their homes at night. Why put anyone through such horrors?
For more information please visit:
Anything and everything can help.
Even with a purchase of a ten dollar hat.

Like the one right over there (sorry the pic is dark) ----->
Peace and Love,
-The not so invisible child

Monday, April 20, 2009

Text talk.

Honestly, I don't think anything annoys me more then talking in text. For example:
"Yo. Wuz up?"
"Nm. u?"
I mean really. Why can't you just spell out your damn words? I don't see the huge problem is typing out your words. Even over IM.
I'm just going to let you know now that it's not cool when you actually have the time to do it properly.

I honestly don't know why it bothers me so much. I used to do it too, I am as guilty as you. But I converted and I immensly enjoy spelling out my words. By doing that you look smarter when your IMing or texting.
OK, so those are those occasions when we all type those 'novels' persay to our buddy. We don't feel like making it all perfect and junk especially when texting. Your thumbs hurt! Or you run out of character space or whatever. Perfectly understandable.
Your only dumming yourself down. Good job.
So do me a favor and SPELL OUT YOUR DAMN WORDS.
Not that hard.
Thank you and have a lovely day. =]

Peace and love,
-Helping to save the letters of the Alpheabet one letter at a time

Monday, April 13, 2009


So here I am. Typing away my soul for the world to see. The point in this? To let the world know what I think without saying it. To be able to speak my mind and not have people feel like they need to comment on this. To let the world (or at least my current subscibers) know I live.

You know that stupid boy I ended up posting about? Yea, he's still stupid. More than stupid now. Maybe idiotic is the right word. Who the fudge cares?

I was walking home and I knew he would be free, driving off to where ever he may be, so I called him. I almost didn't expect him to answer but he did. We talked and of course the conversation drifted over to him because he said he wasn't sure how he felt. (We normally ask each other how we are doing). I asked him why and he said it was a story. I told him to tell me this story and he said not that moment. Being me, I persisted because I knew damn well I probably wouldn't know until next week sometime. So he told me to guess and that it was probably along the lines I was thinking. I gave him my guesses, getting closer each time.

Finally, I guessed it. He may be jumping into a sudden engagement because his ex may be pregnant. Missed her period in March. Lovely. Nothing is confirmed but still.

I tried to be happy for him. Which I was over the phone but I wasn't sure how I felt about all of this. But now I just don't know. He's makng me hurt again because I like him. Now nothing for sure is going to be happening between us. That's the sad part. All those stupid hopes gone. Crushed to a million and so pieces. What a lovely way to end a day. A day before going to work.

But whatever. He says he would keep me posted and I said OK let me know.

I hope shes not pregnant. But another part of me does. I can't stand to try to be with him. He's just such. . .a player and I fell for him. The stupid fall. Though at least I haven't been thinking about him too much lately and have avoided stalking him. So alls good. . .right?

Peace and love.
-Crushed into a million pieces.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Eastern Research -- The (almost) Dreaded Job

S0 I applied at Eastern Research months ago. Got a call back last Friday and I was amazingly surprised. They asked me to come into training and I just picked two days off the top of my head and went with it.

Training wasn't completely terrible... We sat around and she taught us ways to properly talk to people on the phone. It was good I suppose. Though I was dozing off the first night of it because I was getting majorly bored with myself. The second night was much better. We all knew each other from the day before and weren't as shy as we were before. So that was a plus, even if more then half the group were indeed druggies. Oh well. Then they put us ON THE PHONES! D: It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I messed up on the first call of course but after that, it was all good. I enjoyed talking to random people (from Colorado of all places).

But yea. My work schedule kind of looks something like this:
Monday: 5-10pm
Tuesday: NO WORK
Wednesday: 5-10pm
Thursday: NO WORK
Friday: 5-10pm
Saturday: 4-9:30

That is how my life will be until I get hired for Waldenbooks in June/July. Can't wait to have that job. Though I am going to try so hard to get Thursday and Friday switched. I want my Friday nights dammit.

Peace and love,
Nico <3
-The working class girl

Friday, April 3, 2009

Warped Tour.

Okay so I am officially going to Warped Tour this year. [This has been official for a few days noww]. But I am so excited. I mean there's going to be 30+ bands there and I will be spending the day with my best friend. What more can I ask fer? Not much I'm thinking.
So this year is going to be amazing. I got the pre-sale tickets that include:
*Early entry into the venue [in this case Vinoy Park]
*Reduced prices
*Free freaking CD of the Warped bands :D
*And well early entry!
I can't wait, it is just going to be amazing.
I will update more about it later, like when I go in 113 days. . .not that I am counting or anything. xD

Peace and love,